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How to Overcome Inferiority Complex and Become Super Confident

Do you feel that other people are better than you in every aspect of life and that you are not enough, do you feel you have inferiority complex, do you feel disadvantaged and feel that other people have an advantage over you, do you feel that other people are better looking than you, smarter than you, taller than you, have better clothes than you, intelligent than you, richer than you, more genetically gifted than you.

If yes then this feeling is the feeling of inferiority.

Whenever you see a person better looking than you, more deserving than you, and better than you in every are of life, better performing than you, has better resources than you, and at that exact moment if you feel that you are not enough and that God made you anything less than others. Then this my friend is a symptom of Inferiority complex.

Inferiority complex is a mental condition in which a person thinks that he/she is never enough and that person will always feels that he/she is inferior from others.

Addressing this condition with extreme care is extremely necessary because it affects the whole life of an individual, it affects how he feels about himself, how other will feel about that person it affects how the personality of that person would be, it also affects the personal and family relationships of that person.

So addressing this issue of inferiority complex is very important because a lot of individuals go through this condition and in some people it remains unaddressed or uncured. and they bleed that into other people as well.

And I guarantee you that after reading this blog post you will never feel inferior from other again in your remaining life.

What is the Feeling of Inferiority?

When you feel that you are not cable and you are nothing in front of others, or you feel you will be never be enough then this feeling is the feeling of inferiority.

slave mentality.

This is also called inferiority complex

The root cause of inferiority complex is seeking approval from others, seeking external validation.

If you go one layer deeper then you will find that the reason a person seeks approval and external validation is because of poor childhood experiences, childhood trauma, terrible parenting, low self esteem, abandonment etc. because of which has been programmed since the childhood to seek validation and approval from others to feel that he is also a worthy individual.

And that leads to insecurity and feeling of inferiority, and that person seeks approval, and external validation from outside to feel that they are worthy.

When you are insecure from inside then you seek external validation from outside, you seek validation, you seek approval from outside, you seek attention by doing attention seeking behavior, you show needy behavior etc.

Social media platforms and traditional mediums of media like television, newspaper, billboard ads etc. further worsen the problem of inferiority complex by glamorizing and pedestalizing certain things like, if you want fair skin tone then you need to apply certain cream that they are promoting, if you want to make a good body then you need to take their supplements that they are promoting and so on.

So these media outlets fool you by capitalizing on your insecurities and take out money from your pocket. and you believe that this is a problem. which isn’t actually a problem. Next time whenever you see an ad or anything on media platforms, ask yourself a question what is the agenda behind this ad, what are they trying to sell to me, is this really a life threatening issue that they re trying to sell to me? because most of they times they are just selling you crap.

Every person is unique and special, God made every person special in their own way, and whatever is been given to you by god – its perfectly suited for you. Don’t you ever think that God made your skin color a little bit darker so you are not enough for this world. or God made you a little bit shorter then you are not enough for this world. This are all the bullshit metrics that a shallow person uses to judge their depth of being in this world.

Where as Great people never judge themselves by these bullshit metrics, instead they judge their depth of being by What contrition they are providing to the society, what problem they are solving in this world, how are they making this world a better place, how are they making their family’s life better, how are they making their family proud, God proud, their ancestors proud. These are the metrics based on which great people judge themselves.

Why do we Feel Inferior?

Inferiority Complex

Now I will give you a list of reasons why a feels inferior, insecure and underconfident.

  • Gave up mentally and feels lost
  • comparing yourself with other people
  • blindly following social media and social media trends
  • Poor Childhood Experiences
  • Pottery example how it shapes our personality
  • strong foundation with family – nobody can disturb that guy mentally
  • non supportive family members leads to very insecure and underconfident person.
  • other people will kill that type of person – because he is now normalized that feeling of humiliation
  • and living in that type of environment leads to a weak, depressed and underconfident personality
  • but when a lion’s kid goes out he conquers every problem and do not succumbs to them
  • that’s why every parents should work to develop inner confidence and self belief in their child, and they should say positive things to their child. like he can do whatever he chooses to do.
  • Stephen hawking
  • things not under our control – focus on things which are under your control
  • focus on your utility and things that you can control and everyone will worship you like a God.
  • Indian constitution
  • Approval Seeking
  • Insecurities

What is Self Belief?

Self belief is the direct opposite of Inferiority complex.

When you have self belief, the you have the certainty that you can handle whatever situation life throws at you. Good or bad you can handle everything. There’s nothing in this world that can disturb you. That feeling is called Self Belief. Strong belief in oneself.

When you have self belief then you never get jealous by seeing other people, instead you say this to yourself, Whatever God has given me is enough for me, and I’m very grateful for what god has given me, because a lot of people don’t even have what I have, I have 2 hands, 2 feets, perfectly healthy fit and fine, no disease or disability, food to eat, house to live, and people who genuinely care for you. then my friend you are very much blessed by God, because a lot of people don’t even have food to eat, place to live, people to talk to, have deadly diseases.

So my friend just relax and have self belief that whatever life will throw at you, God will help you navigate whatever situation that you may have. because god is on your side. This is self belief.

And having self belief is very important for dealing with any problem in life because without it you wouldn’t even dare to try and fix your problem.

Having the self belief is the first step to solving any problem in life, then when you have self belief then you have the guts to take the first step towards solving that problem. and eventually you also succeed in overcoming that problem.

It all starts with having self belief within ourselves and the rest follows automatically.

What can you do to increase your self belief and kill your inferiority complex forever?

Step 1: Build a Strong Internal Foundation (Body, Mind and Spirit)

Step 2: Self Awareness

Step 3: Get good with dealing with other people and fix your relationship with your family, get a social circle and brotherhood

Step 4: Find a Purpose in Life, which brings fulfilment to you (Which also makes money in the process)

Step 5: Actually follow your Purpose and never betray yourself

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