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लक्ष्मण रेखा का हमारे जीवन में महत्व (A lesson about setting Boundaries)

लक्ष्मण रेखा (BOUNDARIES) का हमारे जीवन में महत्व ⚜️ my thoughts about importance of boundaries and setting Boundaries

याद है वो रामायण की कहानी जिसमे लक्ष्मण जी ने लक्ष्मण रेखा खींची थी?.और सीता माता को कहा था जब तक प्रभु श्री राम और लक्ष्मण दोनो साथ में ना आ जाए तब तक इस रेखा को पार मत करना।

लेकिन रावण ने षडयंत्र रच कर सीता माता को लक्ष्मण रेखा पार करवा ही दिया। और फिर रावण ने सीता माता का अपहरण कर उनको लंका ले गया।

अगर सीता माता लक्ष्मण रेखा पार नहीं करती तो रावण कभी सीता माता का अपहरण कर ही ना पता।

ठीक इसी तरह हमारे जीवन में भी हमें लक्ष्मण बन कर कई सारी लक्ष्मण रेखाएं खीचनी होती है, ताकि हमारे इस मन रूपी रावण को हम काबू में कर पाएं और इसे रोक पाएं हम खुद को नुकसान करने वाली चीज़ों को करवाने से।.क्योंकि हमारा मन ही हमसे सारा काम करवाता है अच्छे भी और बुरे भी। तो इसी लिए हम भी कई सारी लक्ष्मण रेखाएं खींचनी होंगी ताकि हम अपने आप को बचा पाएं कुछ गलत होने से।

I’m calling referring to लक्ष्मण रेखा as setting boundaries here in this Context. Also you can call these rules for regulating yourself.

Now boundaries can be both internal (for regulating oneself) and also external (for telling other people what’s accepted with you and what’s not).Setting both Internal and external boundaries are important for the proper mental and physical well being of the individual.

Some examples of Internal Boundaries Include.

  1. Not consuming alcohol
  2. Not smoking ciggerates
  3. Not eating processed food
  4. Not eating junk foods, sugary foods
  5. Exercising daily no matter what
  6. Not consuming porn
  7. Not masturbate again ever
  8. Sleeping Strictly at 10 PM
  9. Praying and remembering God daily no matter what
  10. Being polite with your loved ones friends and Family no matter how mad you are
  11. You can add whatever and as many rules for yourself as you want in this list……..

These were some of the examples of Setting internal Boundaries, which is responsible for regulating the inside of the individual. It affects how the person feels from the inside. You must have a good relationship with the core (the inside) of yourself for proper well being of your mental health and also physical health.

Now external Boundaries have everything to do with other people, and what you accept from them and what you will not accept from them.

Some Examples of external boundaries include

  1. Not taking disrespect from anybody
  2. Taking a stand for yourself, your family and your loved ones
  3. Not taking shitty behaviour from anybody
  4. Not Treating others poorly
  5. Treating everybody with respect and kindness and politeness
  6. What kind of behaviour is not accepted from your partner, wife, kids etc. and what is accepted

You need to define and make it clear to the other person that these are my boundaries and I don’t take anything beyond that. If that person respects it then OK. If you not then walk away from that person to protect your mental peace. Of course you need to be strict with some people like your kids, wife, etc because we only get them once and they matter a lot to us.

So you got the idea right.

Having these लक्ष्मण रेखा, Boundaries, is very important for smooth functioning of an individual.

Now here’s a top to make these boundaries – you need to recognize patterns in your life, what makes you feel good, what makes you go towards those bad addictions like porn masturbation, smoking, drinking etc. you need to analyze everything. Then only you can find the root cause and apply boundaries on them.

Like for example you figured out that Scrolling Instagram and consuming content from these semi naked girls triggers your emotion and makes you want to watch porn then, apply a boundary there that you will not consume content from those useless people, you will unfollow all those girls, you will not consume social media altogether.

So that’s how you need to find everything that triggers you and you need to apply boundaries on them and that’s how you control your brain by applying लक्ष्मण रेखा। Preventing it from doing self harm.

Also preventing others to do harm to us (external boundaries)..I hope I was able to make my point clear.

So go ahead and start identifying all the patterns in your life which is not helping you and making you a loser and apply boundaries on them.

This is very powerful and can change people’s life for the better……


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