You are currently viewing Carnivore Diet: The Most Effective Fat Loss Diet In India – Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Carnivore Diet: The Most Effective Fat Loss Diet In India – Ultimate Guide For Beginners

The carnivore diet is a dietary plan that involves eating only animal products, This diet is gaining popularity worldwide, and India is no exception.

For someone Starting a Carnivore diet in India is nothing different from a person starting it in another part of the world. But In India you just have very limited Meat options – We can’t consume beef and Buffalo in India. Rest everything will be the same. You can consume Goat, Sheep, Lamb, Chicken, Turkey, All the Types of Fish, and Eggs In India.

The main components of this diet are Proteins and Fats and little to no carbohydrates

Despite India’s diverse culinary heritage, which is largely plant-based, there’s a growing interest in this meat-centric diet.

This blog post will guide you on how to start carnivore diet in India, focusing on sourcing the right products, maintaining nutritional balance, and dealing with social implications.

Most people in today’s day and age are obese and fat, and this is due to people’s carelessness towards their diet, over consumption of processed foods, Junk foods, sugary foods and also due to the lack of proper knowledge of nutrition.

But thankfully people who are concerned about their health are taking specific dietary measures to tackle the problem of obesity.

There are various types of fat loss diets that people do for fat loss like:

  1. KETO Diet
  2. Vegan Diet
  3. Intermittent Fasting
  4. High Protein Diet
  5. Paleo Diet and so on

You might have already heard of all the above types of fat loss diets before But there’s a new trend in the fat loss diets, Its the Carnivore Diet.

But most people don’t know how to start, what it is, and people have so many other questions regarding it, Don’t worry. Today I’m going to tell you How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

1. Introduction to the carnivore diet

How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

A Carnivore diet is a special type of Fat Loss Diet that focuses on consuming mostly animal based food like Meat, Chicken, Fish, Eggs etc.

In this diet all the plant based foods are totally excluded, all the food items like Rice, Chapati, Oats, Bread, Pasta, Potato and any food item that comes from plants are strictly excluded, even seasonings and spices are also excluded.

This is strictly a meat based diet, that’s why some people also call this diet “The Lions Diet“.

Although this diet is not so popular in India but people have started doing it, Even I have successfully done It in the past few months and you can too.

Social media influencers like Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Andrew Huberman, Jordan Peterson, Mikhaila Peterson – They all have only good things to say about the carnivore diet. And there are huge number of benefits that comes with this diet which I will talk about in this blog post.

Humans were eating meat based diet from the dawn of human existence and this diet is nothing new, Our early ancestors used to hunt for animals and ate their flesh in the olden times but as times passed by we started eating more plant based foods. That’s how the Carnivore Diet Evolved Over Time.

2. Fundamental Principles of a Carnivore Diet

How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

This diet is based on a simple principle that all the Food that you consume should come from an animal source – every food that you consume should be an animal based food. And all the Plant based food items are excluded from this diet.

Animal based foods are Rich in Proteins and Fats, which makes it extremely satiating also animal based foods are very nutrient dense foods particularly organ meat which are rich in vitamins and minerals essential for our health.

Our body takes more time to digest Proteins and Fats as compared to Carbohydrates, that’s why we also don’t get hungry too often in a carnivore diet.

In this diet we also eliminate all the processed foods, junk foods and sugary foods and drinks. which gives a massive boost to our gut health, skin health and overall well being.

While following this diet People should take care of hydration, they must regularly drink water.

Some people may find it difficult to follow a strict carnivore diet they can include some dairy, fruits and honey to make it sustainable and enjoyable.

Whenever possible, the meat that you eat on this diet should be of high-quality, grass-fed, pasture-raised, and wild-caught animal products to avoid additives and ensure nutrient richness.

By eliminating plant foods, this diet aims to reduce intake of anti-nutrients like oxalates, lectins, and phytates, which some people believe can interfere with nutrient absorption and digestion.

In the initial days of following this diet, the body goes through adaptation period where the body adjusts to the diet and some people may experience initial side effects during that time as metabolism shifts from carbohydrates to fats for energy.

The carnivore diet aims to optimize health and well-being through a focus on high-quality animal-based nutrition, while eliminating potential irritants and anti-nutrients found in plant foods.

Carnivore diet works on the same principle as of a KETO Diet, Your body gets all the energy from Fats that you consume in your diet, this diet is very effective for fat loss because your body will burn all the stored fats in your body as energy. Also our body converts our existing body fats into Glucose by a process known as Gluconeogenesis.

3. Type Of Food Allowed In a Carnivore Diet

How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

This Diet exclusively contains only animal based foods. here’s a detailed list of foods that are allowed in the carnivore diet.

  1. Red Meat (The Most Nutrient Dense Carnivore Food)
    • Beef, Buffalo, Pork, Lamb, sheep, Goat
    • The Organ Meat of these animals are Extremely Nutrient dense especially Liver and Kidneys
    • Red Meat like Beef, Buffalo and Goat are High in protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins (especially B12), and creatine. Fat content varies by cut.
    • Lamb meat are Rich in protein, iron, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins. Contains higher fat content compared to lean cuts of beef.
    • Red Meat like Beef and Buffalo is banned in India so you can replace them with Goat, Lamb, Sheep and Pork meat.
    • Beef is Available in some regions, especially in states like Kerala and Goa. Look for local butchers or specialized meat shops.
    • Pork meat is High in protein, thiamine, selenium, zinc, and B vitamins. Bacon and other cured meats can be high in sodium and fat.
  2. Poultry (Birds)
    • Chicken, Turkey, Duck and Other bird meat
    • Chicken meat is High in protein, B vitamins (especially niacin and B6), phosphorus, and selenium. Chicken Skin contains additional fat.
    • Nutritional value of Turkey is Similar to chicken, these are high in protein and low in fat, especially in breast meat.
  3. All the Fish, Shellfish and Seafoods
    • Salmon, Rohu, Catla, Tuna, Tilapia, Mackerel, Sardines, Shrimp, Prawn, Crab, Lobster, Oyster, Octopus etc.
    • Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Tuna and Tilapia are High in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), protein, vitamin D, and selenium.
    • Shrimp, Prawn, Crab, Lobster and Oyster are High in protein, zinc, vitamin B12, and iodine. Oysters are particularly high in zinc.
  4. Eggs
    • Eggs are the Most Nutrient Dense Foods On The Planet
    • Eggs are High in protein, fat, vitamin B12, choline, vitamin D, and selenium. The yolk contains most of the nutrients and fat.
  5. Animal fats for cooking the meat
    • Ghee, butter, Tallow (beef fat), Lard (pork fat)
    • These are High in saturated and monounsaturated fats, with small amounts of fat-soluble vitamins.
  6. Bone Broth
    • Extremely Beneficial for skin health because these contain collagen
    • Bone broth is rich in collagen, gelatin, and essential amino acids. It provides important nutrients for gut health, joint health, and skin health.
    • Drink bone broth regularly or use it as a base for soups and stews to boost your nutrient intake.

So Above were all the Food Items which a Strict Carnivore Diet Contain However some people have problems following an exclusive meat only diet so they introduce some form of dairy and fruits to their diet which makes this diet sustainable, enjoyable and easy for them.

By Adding Dairy, Fruits and other items this will no longer be called a Strict carnivore diet instead it will be called a Flexible Carnivore diet.

So here’s a List of Things you can add to your diet to make this fat loss diet more enjoyable.

  1. Dairy Products
    • Ghee, Milk, Cheese, Butter, Paneer, Curd etc.
  2. All the Fruits
    • Banana, Apple, Orange, Pineapple etc.
  3. Honey
  4. Coffee
  5. Green Tea
  6. And Some Spices and Seasonings
    • Incorporating local spices and herbs into a carnivore diet can enhance flavor and variety without compromising its principles
    • Stick to low-carb spices and herbs such as:
      • Cumin
      • Coriander
      • Turmeric
      • Black pepper
      • Ginger
      • Garlic
      • Mustard seeds
      • Fenugreek
      • Bay leaves
      • Cardamom
      • Cloves

Grass Fed Meat

Grass-fed meat and organic options hold significant importance for individuals following a carnivore diet due to several reasons.

While grass-fed and organic options may be more expensive or less widely available, many individuals on a carnivore diet prioritize their consumption due to the potential health benefits.

Grass-fed meat tends to be richer in essential nutrients compared to conventionally raised meat. It contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and antioxidants.

Grass-fed meat is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are beneficial for heart health, brain function, and inflammation reduction.

Grass-fed meat contains higher levels of CLA, a type of fatty acid linked to reduced body fat, improved metabolism, and potential anti-cancer effects.

Grass-fed meat is often richer in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin A, and certain minerals like zinc and iron.

Grass-fed meat typically has a more favorable omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio, which is important for maintaining a balanced inflammatory response in the body.

Grass-fed meat is less likely to contain antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or other additives commonly found in conventionally raised livestock.

4. Carnivore Food Choices in India

How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

Beef is Banned In India, also Buffalo is consumed in very rare places of south India like Kerala, Goa, Tamil Nadu etc. So you are left with very few options to consider for the carnivore diet.

In India if you want to follow a carnivore diet then you can consume food Items like Goat Meat, Lamb Meat, Sheep Meat, Chicken, Turkey, All the fish, Seafood, and Shellfish and Eggs.

You might think that You are missing out on a large number of nutrients by not consuming Beef or buffalo but let me correct you on that. Goat Meat is more Nutrient dense than Beef and Buffalo. Here’s a tweet by a Doctor Stating this.

5. Three Different Type Of Carnivore Diet

There are 3 different type of Carnivore diet

  1. Strict Carnivore Diet – This is the most restrictive type of carnivore diet, focusing exclusively on animal-based foods.
  2. Moderate Carnivore Diet – This version allows for a small amount of dairy and some low-carb, animal-based products. like heavy cream, hard cheese or butter.
    • it might permit small amounts of plant-based seasonings or condiments, but still avoids fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes.
  3. Relaxed Carnivore Diet – This is the most flexible version, incorporating mostly animal-based foods but allowing for occasional non-animal-based foods. This might include coffee, tea, and small amounts of low-carb fruits and vegetables.
    • The focus is still on animal products, but it’s more lenient with the inclusion of certain non-animal-based items, often based on individual tolerance and preference.

6. Who can Follow Carnivore Diet?

Carnivore diet can be followed by any healthy adult but specifically here are the perfect candidates for a carnivore diet:

  1. Best for people who likes to eat Non Vegetarian food
  2. Best for people who are always hungry – This diet is extremely satiating and will help you to not feel hungry for a long time after you have your meal
  3. Best for people who want to do fat loss from their body as this diet is extremely effective in weight and fat loss
  4. This diet is also best for Fitness freaks as this diet helps you to maintain your body fat percentage low and your muscle mass high, this diet also helps you to recover your muscles faster.
  5. This diet is best for people who don’t want to track their calories every time they eat, as countinig calories is not required in this diet.
  6. This diet is extremely beneficial for creative professionals, Business persons and Students because this diet improves your focus and concentration, reduces brain fog and helps you to focus on your task during the day. The best thing I like about this diet is that this diet does not crash your energy like in a carbohydrate diet. In a carbohydrate diet spikes your insulin level and instantly brings it down that’s the reason you feel instant burst of energy and then feel lethargic and sleepy.

But This diet is not for everybody, Below are type of people who are not suitable for carnivore diet.

  1. This diet is not suitable for Pregnant women
  2. This diet is not suitable for Growing kids below the age of 20
  3. This diet is not suitable for People who have Chronic Kidney diseases
  4. This diet is not suitable for People who have heart diseases
  5. This diet is not suitable for People who have high blood pressure
  6. This diet is not suitable for People who have hypertension
  7. This diet is not suitable for People who have high cholesterol

If you have any of the concerns listed above then don’t follow this diet.

7. Benefits Of Following this Diet

How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

While there are lots of potential health benefits that comes with the carnivore diet but one should always approach this diet with a bit of caution and consider individual health needs and medical conditions. Also it is advised to consult a dietician or a doctor before following any restrictive diet.

With that being said here are the health benefits of this diet:

  1. Weight Loss & Fat Loss
  2. cures Gut Health
  3. Muscle Growth
  4. Extremely satiating
  5. Reduces inflammation in body
  6. Improved Focus and concentration and Mental Clarity
  7. Eliminates brain fog
  8. Reduced Inflammation
  9. Better Digestion
  10. Stable Blood Sugar Levels
  11. stable and Increased Energy Levels during the day
  12. Eliminates pain and cramps in your body
  13. Improved Skin Health – Cures pimples and helps in getting a glowing skin
  14. Enhanced Immune Function
  15. Reduced Joint Pain
  16. Improved Heart Health
  17. Cures diabetes and Hypertension
  18. Adds discipline to your diet
  19. Better Dental Health
  20. Prevents cancer
  21. Simplified Eating
  22. Increased Satiety
  23. Enhanced Hormone Regulation
  24. Improved Sleep
  25. Mental Health Benefits
  26. Reduced Food Sensitivities
  27. Nutrient Density
  28. cures Autoimmune Diseases
  29. Improves your metabolism
  30. Longevity of Energy
  31. Improved Athletic Performance
  32. Enhanced Libido
  33. Increases Testosterone in Men
  34. Saves time in cooking and washing utensils
  35. Cognitive Protection

8. How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

How To Start Carnivore Diet In India

The Carnivore diet is not yet popular in India and people might not be very supportive of this diet in the beginning, also this diet can be expensive as meat based foods are very expensive.

But despite all of this if you can afford to follow the this diet then go for it. Also there are certain types of meats that are banned in India like beef, Buffalo etc. Buffalo is consumed in south India but Beef is totally banned in India.

So the only food options you are left with in India are Goat, lamb, Sheep Pork, Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Seafoods, shellfish, eggs etc.

I personally Eat Boiled Chicken, Goat meat, eggs, milk, fruits and honey for my carnivore diet, yeah its not a strict carnivore diet but its very close to a strict carnivore diet.

India is a country where vegetarianism is prevalent due to religious and cultural beliefs. Starting this diet can, therefore, lead to some social implications.

It’s important to communicate your dietary choices clearly and respectfully. Understand that people might have questions or concerns, and be prepared to address them. Remember, being respectful with people will help you in gaining acceptance.

Be prepared to explain your dietary choices to others in a clear, non-confrontational manner. Educate them about the benefits of the carnivore diet and why it works for you. Focus on sharing your personal experiences rather than trying to convince or convert others.

And also Every person’s body is different and respond differently to different diets, so approach this diet with a bit of caution. Adjust this diet based on your personal Preferences.

9. My Personal Experience with the Carnivore Diet

I started the carnivore diet because somewhere on the Internet I heard that this diet can improve your focus and concentration, and also reduces your brain fog so I gave it a try and trust me these diet really works.

I had a problem with the normal carb based diet, whenever i had a carb based diet during the day – i felt very lazy after that, but after following this diet, my energy levels are stable throughout the whole day. And also I can focus on my work during the whole day without getting tired or sleepy.

So this diet has been extremely beneficial for me.

10. Success Stories

  1. Carnivore Diet Experts
  2. Helpful Books Related To Carnivore Diet
    1. “The Carnivore Diet” by Dr. Shawn Baker
    2. “Carnivore Cure” by Judy Cho
    3. “The Carnivore Code” by Dr. Paul Saladino
    4. “Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat” by Diana Rodgers and Robb Wolf
    5. “MeatRx Success Stories” by Shawn Baker
  3. r/carnivore: A subreddit dedicated to discussions about the carnivore diet, including success stories, tips, and scientific research.
  4. r/zerocarb: A Subreddit which Focuses on zero-carb and carnivore diet lifestyles, with a supportive community sharing personal experiences and advice.
  5. Facebook Groups

These resources should provide a comprehensive overview and in-depth understanding of the carnivore diet, its benefits, potential risks, and practical implementation strategies.

12. Conclusion

Starting a carnivore diet in India might seem challenging, but with the right approach, it’s entirely doable. Source high-quality animal products, ensure nutritional balance by diversifying your intake of animal products, and handle the social implications with respect and understanding.

If you find it difficult to consume Carnivore diet in the initial days then try to introduce some fruits, dairy, honey and some vegetables but as the time passes by and as you become more comfortable consuming meat, then slowly start eliminating all the fruits, veggies and dairy.

Remember, the carnivore diet is a personal choice and, like any diet, should be tailored to suit your individual health needs and lifestyle.

Also Read: How to boost your Metabolism

1. What is the carnivore diet?

Answer: The carnivore diet is a dietary approach that focuses exclusively on animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, and some dairy. It eliminates all plant-based foods, including vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes.

2. What can I eat on the carnivore diet?

Answer: Allowed foods include beef*, pork, lamb, poultry, fish, seafood, organ meats (like liver and kidneys), eggs, and animal-based fats (like butter and tallow). Some people also include dairy products, particularly those that are low in lactose, such as hard cheeses and heavy cream.

3. Why would someone choose the carnivore diet?

Answer: People may choose the carnivore diet for various reasons, including weight loss, improved mental clarity, increased energy, reduced inflammation, better digestion, and relief from certain chronic conditions like autoimmune diseases.

4. Is the carnivore diet safe?

Answer: The safety of the carnivore diet can vary from person to person. While some individuals report significant health benefits, others may experience deficiencies or adverse effects. It is important to monitor your personal health markers and consult with a healthcare professional before and during the diet.

5. Will I get enough vitamins and minerals on the carnivore diet?

Answer: Animal products are rich in many essential nutrients. However, some vitamins and minerals typically found in plant foods, like vitamin C and certain antioxidants, may be lower. To address potential deficiencies, it’s important to include nutrient-dense foods like organ meats and consider supplements if necessary.

6. Can I drink coffee or tea on the carnivore diet?

Answer: Traditional carnivore diet adherents avoid all plant-based foods and drinks, including coffee and tea. However, some more flexible approaches allow for these beverages in moderation.

7. How do I handle cravings for carbs and sweets?

Answer: Cravings often diminish after the initial adaptation period. Eating enough protein and fat to stay satiated, drinking plenty of water, and ensuring you get enough electrolytes can help manage cravings. Some people find that cravings subside after a few weeks.

8. How will the carnivore diet affect my digestion?

Answer: Digestive responses can vary. Some people experience improved digestion and relief from digestive issues, while others may initially experience changes like constipation or diarrhea. These issues often resolve as your body adapts.

9. Can I exercise on the carnivore diet?

Answer: Yes, many people exercise on the carnivore diet. Initially, you might need to adjust as your body adapts to using fat for fuel, but many report sustained or even improved athletic performance over time.

10. How much should I eat on the carnivore diet?

Answer: Eat until you feel satisfied and satiated. The carnivore diet doesn’t typically require calorie counting or portion control, as the high-protein and high-fat content can naturally regulate appetite.

11. Will I lose weight on the carnivore diet?

Answer: Many people lose weight on the carnivore diet due to reduced calorie intake, improved satiety, and a possible reduction in inflammation. However, every person is different and individual results can vary.

12. What about cholesterol and heart disease risk?

Answer: The impact of the carnivore diet on cholesterol and heart disease risk is a topic of debate. Some people see improvements in lipid profiles, while others may experience increased cholesterol levels. Regular monitoring and consultation with a healthcare provider are important.

13. How long should I follow the carnivore diet?

Answer: The duration of following the carnivore diet is a personal choice. Some people use it as a short-term reset, while others adopt it as a long-term lifestyle. It’s important to regularly assess your health and make adjustments as needed. I personally recommend people to do it for at least 3 months for the best results, and if you feel like you should continue forward with this diet then go for it. And also you don’t even need to exercise to burn fat from this diet, Just doing your basic day to day activities , Walking will also help you burn more fat than usual. But if you add any for of exercise with this diet then fat loss the results will be faster.

14. What if I slip up and eat non-carnivore foods?

Answer: Occasional deviations from the diet are common. If you slip up, simply return to your carnivore eating pattern at the next meal. Consistency over time is more important than perfection.

15. How can I make the diet more affordable?

Answer: To keep costs down, focus on buying cheaper cuts of meat, buying in bulk, and taking advantage of sales and discounts. Ground buff, Goat meat, chicken thighs, and organ meats are often more affordable options.

16. Are supplements necessary in this diet?

Answer: No, This diet is already rich in all the vitamins, Minerals and macronutrients that your body needs so there is no need for any supplementation of any type.

17. How to stay motivated to follow a carnivore diet?

Answer: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or online communities who understand and respect your dietary choices. Having a supportive network can provide encouragement and accountability.

18. How to Cook the Food On a Carnivore Diet?

Answer: Meat should only be cooked from fats that comes from ani3mal sources like Ghee, Butter, Tallow etc. Additionally you can also use Coconut oil, Avocado oil, Olive oil to cook your meat. You can also eat Boiled chicken and Meat. Also you can check out YouTube videos Of Carnivore Diet Recipes They will be very helpful.

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